one of the most versatile artists of the Netherlands
Opus 40 (2014)

Een pure formaliteit

Music theatre production for 3 actors, 1 female singer, 8 cellos and 1 recorder/duduk-player.
Based on the movie “Una pura formalitá” (Tornatore, 1995)
Text by: Guiseppe Tornatore en Pascal Quignard,
Produced by theatre company ‘Orkater’ and directed by Sarah Moeremans.
Duration: 95′

Full credits:
Stage director: Sarah Moeremans, Stage design: Julian Maiwald, Costumes: Daphne de Winkel, Lighting design: Stefan Dijkman, Sound design: Robert van Delft. Adapted and translated by: Micha Hamel, Sarah Moeremans, Dorine Cremers. Lyrics for the song: K. Michel

Onoff: Pierre Bokma, Commissioner: Porgy Franssen, Female officer: Tirza de Boer, Male officer: Erik Whien, Cello: Rares Mihailescu, Markus van den Munckhof, Mascha van Nieuwkerk, Lieselot Watté, Sanne Bijker, Oihana Aristizabal Puga, Claire Bleumer, Stephan Heber, Recorders and Duduks: Raphaëla Danksagmüller